06:42 Mar 22, 2021
'http://SHOP.life-regenerator.com * http://JUICERS.life-regenerator.com  *LOU CORONA\'S Recipe E-Book http://LOU-RECIPE-EBOOK.life-regenerator.com  *SHOP http://SHOP.life-regenerator.com  *BLENDERS http://BLEND.life-regenerator.com  *SHOP in our amazon store http://SHOP.life-regenerator.com  *AMAZON direct shopping http://SHOP-FOR-ANYTHING.life-regenerator.com  *LOU CORONA\'S Recipe E-Book http://LOU-RECIPE-EBOOK.life-regenerator.com    ❤ BLUEBERRY SMOOTHIE made w/  RAW LIVING COCONUT ALMOND YOGURT ❤   * I n g r e d i e n t s *  — 2 cups RAW LIVING COCONUT ALMOND YOGURT ( see the recipe video for that right here! http://youtube.com/watch?v=sCqlcAFnZTU )  — 2 cups Organic BLUEBERRIES  — 1 Ripe Organic BANANA  — ¼ cup NUTRITIONAL ESSENTIALS from NCP (Natural Choice Products) http://NUTRITIONAL-ESSENTIALS.life-regenerator.com  — 1 THAI YOUNG COCONUT (Young Coconut Meat + Young Coconut Water)  — Dash of HIMALAYAN SEA SALT http://SALT.life-regenerator.com  — OPTIONAL: 1 HABANERO PEPPER    * P r e p * — 1) If you haven\'t already, you must first make at least 2 cups of RAW LIVING COCONUT ALMOND YOGURT by following the recipe in this video: http://youtube.com/watch?v=sCqlcAFnZTU  — 2) Toss the RAW LIVING COCONUT ALMOND YOGURT, BLUEBERRIES, BANANA and NUTRITIONAL ESSENTIALS into your Vita-mix blender, or whatever blender is the best blender for you: http://BLEND.life-regenerator.com  — 3) Open the THAI YOUNG COCONUT to get the coconut water out—watch this vid if you need help: http://bit.ly/u9Q4j . Pour the young coconut water into the blender as well.  — 4) Using a melon baller, coconut buddy* or a spoon, scoop the young coconut meat out of the coconut and toss it into the blender as well. *Unfortunately, Krista has not been able to find the coconut buddy on amazon or anywhere else online! :(  — 5) Add a dash of HIMALAYAN SEA SALT to the blender as well.  — 6) OPTIONAL: Add a HABANERO PEPPER to the blender too!  — 7) Blend at high speed until desired consistency is reached, serve, and enjoy!   * I n s p i r a t i o n *  — By CULTURING raw living foods like this Coconut Almond Yogurt, we make it PREDIGESTED, so we are directly getting AMINO ACIDS, FATTY ACIDS & GLUCOSE instead of whole proteins, fats & carbohydrates that our bodies would otherwise have to work at breaking down.  — Raw living cultured foods help your body and muscles to maintain and grow strength!  You can pick up LOU CORONA\'S Recipe E-Book right here! http://LOU-RECIPE-EBOOK.life-regenerator.com  ** LOU CORONA Recipe E-Book: Get Lean, Clean And Serene **  32-Page Recipe E-book includes: ~ Lou Corona\'s Bio ~ The Four Principles of Life ~ The Essential Elements for a Long, Healthy, Happy Life ~ Facts About Enzymes ~ Facts About MSM ~ Food Combining Chart ~ 17 Delicious RECIPES ~ Recommended Reading *Prepare to Experience Cellular Nutrition on a Whole New Level!*  http://LOU-RECIPE-EBOOK.life-regenerator.com  CAN YOU DIG IT?  :D  Love,  Dan .  http://SHOP.life-regenerator.com  http://JUICERS.life-regenerator.com . .' 

Tags: liferegenerator

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