'MSG is neither terribly dangerous nor perfectly fine'

'MSG is neither terribly dangerous nor perfectly fine'
12:42 Jun 21, 2023
'Thanks to CuriosityStream for sponsoring this video! For unlimited access to the world’s top documentaries and non­fiction series, enter the promo code ‘ragusea’ when prompted and your membership is completely free for the first 30 days: http://go.thoughtleaders.io/1667120200212   ***SOURCES IN ORDER OF APPEARANCE***  Original 1968 letter to the New England Journal of Medicine discussing \"Chinese Restaurant Syndrome\" (not free): https://www.nejm.org/doi/full/10.1056/NEJM196804042781419  2007 European scientific consensus on MSG, known as the \"Hohenheim consensus\": https://www.nature.com/articles/1602526  1969 study that found some legitimacy in the \"Chinese Restaurant Syndrome\" notion (not free): https://science.sciencemag.org/content/163/3869/826.long  2008 study that found a link between MSG and obesity in China: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2610632/  Dr. Sarah Tracy\'s 2016 doctoral thesis on the history of MSG: https://tspace.library.utoronto.ca/handle/1807/77391  2017 journal article about the 1968 Kwok letter and the ensuing racial dynamics: https://ir.uiowa.edu/poroi/vol12/iss2/7/  1993 book discussing comic syndrome letters (chapter 6): https://books.google.com/books?id=SQwpp3WgjU8C&dq=syndrome+letters+in+the+New+England+Journal+of+Medicine+hunt&source=gbs_navlinks_s  2019 magazine article about Dr. Howard Steel\'s claim to be the real Dr. Kwok: https://news.colgate.edu/magazine/2019/02/06/the-strange-case-of-dr-ho-man-kwok/  2019 episode of the podcast \"This American Life\" that (pretty much) debunks Dr. Steel\'s claim: https://www.thisamericanlife.org/668/the-long-fuse  2017 journal article about racism in the MSG debate: https://curj.columbia.edu/article/a-racist-little-hat-the-msg-debate-and-american-culture/  1969 study associating brain lesions in mice with large MSG injections (not free): https://science.sciencemag.org/content/164/3880/719.full  1995 report about MSG commissioned by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration: https://www.faseb.org/Portals/2/PDFs/LSRO_Legacy_Reports/1995_Executive%20Summary%20From%20the%20Report_Analysis%20of%20Adverse%20Reactions%20to%20Monosodium%20Glutamate%20MSG%20Report.pdf  2010 study that found no link between MSG and obesity in China: https://www.cambridge.org/core/journals/british-journal-of-nutrition/article/monosodium-glutamate-is-not-associated-with-obesity-or-a-greater-prevalence-of-weight-gain-over-5-years-findings-from-the-jiangsu-nutrition-study-of-chinese-adults/A25C050A0EA8F80DD1BEC8C8E601A011' 

Tags: amino acids , chinese food , amino acid , monosodium glutamate , is msg bad , chinese restaurant syndrome , what is msg , glutamic acid , what is msg made from , what is msg used for , what is msg and what does it do , What is MSG in Chinese Food , monosodium glutamate (chemical compound) , glutamic acid benefits , glutamic acid pronunciation , glutamic acid production , glutamic acid vs glutamine , glutamic acid pronounce , what is msg made out of , what is msg in seasoning

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