'CORRECT or WRONG : Health fears about Chinese food addictive monosodium glutamate are nonsense?'

'CORRECT or WRONG :  Health fears about Chinese food addictive monosodium glutamate are nonsense?'
03:30 Jun 25, 2023
'角色list:G1=Karmen, G2=NY, G3=Cherry, D=Nic, A=Jim  (3Girls 在中國餐館食完飯)  G2:What happens to you two?  G1: Oh, I feel a little bit of headache now.   G3: I have sweated and felt difficult to breathe.  G1: Probably because of the yeung chau fried rice we just had  G2: what is the relationship between the rice and headache?  G1:, MSG contained in the dishes in restaurants normally. Actually I heard somebody said that taking too much MSG will lead to headache, eye damage and chest pain, do you know about that?  G2: It is so scared! I will not eat outside anymore.  G3: let\'s ask the expert.  (Doctor come out)  D: It is because after eating Chinese food that contain MSG, you may be sensitive to the food additive. It is also possible to be sensitive to foods that naturally contain high amounts of glutamate. Do you guys ever heard the Chinese restaurant syndrome? It usually begin within two hours after eating.   G2: But what the saying come from?  G1: I have searched before, In 1968, a physician named Robert Kwok wrote a letter to the New England Journal of Medicine describing the numbness, and feeling of tightness after eating Chinese food. He called the symptoms \"Chinese Restaurant Syndrome”.  G3: Oh, it seems terrible! Did scientists prove the reaction is associated with MSG?  D: Not yet proved. Let me tell you guys. In the Chemistry dimension, the formula of MSG is C5H8NNaO4. Somebody believes this food addictive is discovered by Chinese, because MSG brings along with Chinese restaurant syndrome. But, they are all wrong, MSG is discovered in Japan!  D: Professor池田菊苗 discover MSG. One day, he tried to investigate the ingredient of the soup which boiled by his wife. He found Laminaria japonica is the key brought along the delicious taste. He then extracted the flavour element from it, and named it as umami.  (After google search by girls)  G2: We found some information from the Internet. In fact, glutamate is existing in food, and protein is so vital to our functioning that our own bodies produce 40 grams of it a day.   G3: Due to growing consumer concern in Western, many researches have studied about the relationship between MSG and human’s health. One study was performed by the FASEB and was published in 1995 as a supplement to The Journal of Nutrition.  Food and Drug Administration (FDA) Spokeswoman Mariana indicated the results:  The FASEB report did identify temporary and generally mild symptoms that may occur in some individuals after consuming 3 grams of MSG without food. However, to-date, scientists have not been able to consistently trigger these temporary reactions in studies where MSG was provided with food. Based on the available evidence, FDA considers MSG to be safe for use as an ingredient at normally-consumed levels for the general population.  D: nice work! let my assistant, Mr. J tell you more.  A: According to Kenney’s research in 1985, she found out 6 people who have Chinese restaurant symptoms and give them liquid solution containing 6 grams of MSG and an MSG-free control solution for comparison in a double-blind test. The study confirmed that MSG does not cause Chinese Restaurant Syndrome in most people who claimed to suffer from the syndrome.  A: Another research studied in 2002, New Scientist were putting 20 grams of MSG in every 100g of rat food to rat - an amazing amount. However, Nobody has proved that MSG will harm humans’ health.  D: So why do people continue to condemn MSG even after 40 years of science have failed to show that eating MSG causes harm? Because once fear is ingrained, it\'s difficult to completely remove.' 
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