'7 Ways To Stop Craving Sugar and Carb Foods'

'7 Ways To Stop Craving Sugar and Carb Foods'
10:29 Aug 29, 2023
'Do you crave sugar or carbohydrate-rich foods? Here is an excellent video for you, there are many ways for you to stop craving these crappy kinds of foods that can literally wreck your health, and here are seven of the best tips.  Either way, you might just be a person who wants to feel amazing and look amazing. Well, this is a key video because we\'re going to show you some ways on how you can stop craving crap in your diet. There\'s so much crap out there. I had a good time in the States. I just came back with my wife. We were over there for about 12 days on a conference. We spent a bit of time with some friends in Los Angeles and we traveled to Las Vegas. I couldn\'t believe how much crap people eat when I saw it. Uber drivers drinking big cans of Coke and stuff and people drinking energy drinks. So much alcohol consumption; it\'s just unreal.   Let\'s get into it. Let\'s talk about some of the ways on how to control what you eat. Get enough sleep. Number one. You need to get enough sleep. I\'m a baby boomer, but many younger people like my kids – they\'re not kids. My daughter\'s 23. Younger people today just don\'t get enough sleep. When I was that age, we had no distractions. No Google. No Facebook. Nothing like that. Google came in what \'98. But before that, there wasn\'t really any internet. We relied on video cassette recorders maybe to watch stuff. There was no Netflix. There were no cell phones. People got to sleep a lot earlier. Young people today just don\'t get enough sleep. Poor sleeping habits lead to poor eating habits. Poor sleeping habits mean you\'re going to get tired. And when you get tired, what are you going grab for? Something with sugar in it. Something with caffeine in it to push you up. Poor sleep leads to fatigue, stress. That\'s going to drive the demand for sugar to give you a boost or caffeine. Enough sleep gives you more energy and you feel more rested. You feel way better. That\'s habit number one. If you can\'t get enough sleep or you\'re not prepared to, stop the video now and then try that before you come to watch the rest of the video. That\'s number one.  Number two. You need to eat breakfast. It\'s not mandatory, but you really want to eat something in the morning before lunch time. A good protein meal. It could be eggs. It could be a good cereal, but you need to have some type of a protein load in the morning. It\'s going to set yourself up. It\'s going to really help your metabolism cope with peaks and troughs in energy through the day. A good breakfast in the morning is a great starting point for really good energy and it will also stop you wanting Coke or a muffin or fries or crap like that during the day. Three good meals a day make a big difference toward craving sugar, especially if you eat quality healthy fresh foods.   Number three. Don\'t fight hunger. If you\'re hungry, it\'s good to be a little bit hungry here or there. When people feel a little bit hungry, \"Oh, I\'m hungry. I\'m hungry. I\'ve got to eat something.\" They panic. Especially people with anxiety. They straight away want something because they think that it\'s bad to be a little bit hungry. You guys have got no idea what it means to be hungry. I mean truly hungry. Hungry to the point where you\'d eat a pair of socks. Real hunger is seriously bad and it\'s cruel and many people die of starvation around the world. I can assure you guys. You\'re not dying of starvation. Don\'t fight hunger. If you\'re a little bit hungry, let it be. These funny churning sounds in your gut often mean that the digestion is working really well.   I read some interesting stuff that I found and it\'s really cool. Eating and chewing 10 to 30 times. That\'s not why I\'m not a big fan of smoothies with lots of fruit and veggies in them because you\'re not chewing anything. And poor chewing leads to poor pooing. Swallowing four to eight seconds, churning food two to four hours in the gut, so you could\'ve eaten a meal and it\'s churning away after three or four hours and \"I\'m hungry. My stomach\'s making a noise.\" Of course it is. It\'s digesting food. Some people misinterpret that for hunger and they put more food in the gut on top of the food they\'ve got in their tummy. It\'s like a cement mixer mixing water and cement and it\'s making a noise and you\'re trying to throw more in. You\'re going to get overload. Don\'t do it.   It takes three to five hours to absorb this into the body. The body\'s going to extract what it needs from the food it\'s churned up and then you\'ve got compaction, so you\'re going to waste product development. The body extracts everything it wants out of that food. It starts moving down to the lower part of the bowel. It\'s compacting the wastes and it\'s full of bacteria. Then it can take several days for the compaction to take place.' 

Tags: Weight loss , Health , infection , YEAST , questions , candida , sugar cravings , crusher , candida crusher , canxida

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