'After 56 days of zero new corona virus cases in Beijing, Chinese officials announced 46 people who had tested positive asymptomatically for the virus that were all linked to a Xinfadi, a food market of wholesale agriculture in Fengtai District, Beijing. A lot of people have been sharing stories about the 1918 Spanish Flu, focusing on how the 2nd wave actually killed a lot more people than the first, and so are expecting a 2nd wave of covid-19 to be worse than the 1st. While there is a lot of truth to that, here\'s why I don\'t think the 2nd wave will be worse. People speculate that the lack of quarantine measures after the 1st wave resulted in the massive 2nd wave spike, however most experts attribute it to poor public health policy. Keeping this in mind, I am much more concerned about America\'s to deal with a 2nd wave than I am about China. SOURCES: Original article: http://www.sixthtone.com/news/1005801/46-people-linked-to-beijing-market-test-positive-for-coronavirus# https://fullfact.org/online/spanish-flu-second-wave-quarantine/ https://www.thepaper.cn/newsDetail_forward_7828857 http://scjgj.beijing.gov.cn/zwxx/scjgdt/202006/t20200612_1924409.html https://news.sina.cn/gn/2020-06-13/detail-iircuyvi8185879.d.html https://www.thepaper.cn/newsDetail_forward_7828707'
Tags: China , Covid-19 , Beijing , Corona virus , food market , SECOND WAVE , beijing food market , beijing coronavirus , corona virus second wave , beijing second wave , beijing lockdown second wave , second us virus wave , the second wave covid scare , bejing covid second wave , get ready for the second coronavirus wave , china reports second wave , corona virus spikes , beijing outbreak , beijing market outbreak
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