'The Innovators: Clover Food Labs'

'The Innovators:  Clover Food Labs'
04:12 Feb 9, 2024
'Clover is here to make food you love, the kind you talk about and look forward to eating. The Clover Food Lab is serving up a new type of fast food. This food is local, it\'s just-cut, when we can it is organic. At the beginning Clover thought they\'d sell food to customers once a month. It turns out most people want to eat Clover daily. So they\'re doing their best to be as convenient as possible. As amazing as their food tastes, they know you just can\'t trek across town every day. Hopefully there is a Clover near you. Check out their website at: cloverfoodlab.com REEL Entrepreneurs had a chance to spend some time with Founder Ayr Muir at the ORIGINAL Clover Food Truck location at MIT. Take a look at what it takes to start a food truck and why being disruptive makes you successful!' 

Tags: people , boston , Entrepreneurs , hive , reel , Innovators , Boston.com , clover food labs

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