'Trik membuat mie tek tek goreng spesial ala abang-abang [abang Indoculinaire Hunter]'

'Trik membuat mie tek tek goreng spesial ala abang-abang [abang Indoculinaire Hunter]'
15:49 Mar 13, 2024
'#mietektek  #resepmietektek #indoculinairehunter  Dalam video ini saya membagikan trik dan tips cara membuat mie tek tek goreng spesial ala abang-abang [abang Indoculinaire Hunter] yang enak banget dan rasanya tervalid. Cara membuat mie tek tek goreng spesial ini sangat mudah dan bahan-bahan nya mudah didapat di pasaran. Trik dan tips membuat mie tek tek goreng spesial nya bisa mengikuti tahap demi tahap yang ada dalam video ini. Mie tek tek sangat terkenal di Indonesia karena masyarakat Indonesia senang mengkonsumsi mie terutama mie goreng. Mie tek tek banyak dijajakan dengan gerobak di pinggir jalan [street food] atau gerobak keliling dan harganya relatif terjangkau.  Selamat mencoba resep mie tek tek goreng spesial ini, like, share, komen, dan subscribe untuk membantu perkembangan channel ini. Terimakasih, salam sehat selalu...  BAHAN-BAHAN : Mie cap atom bulan 400 gram (sebelum direbus) Bakso 7 butir Sosis 7 buah Telur ayam 3 butir Bawang merah 150 gram (18 siung bawang merah kecil-kecil) Bawang putih 5 siung Kemiri 6 butir Terasi 12,5 gram (pengganti ebi) Cabe rawit merah 10 buah Merica/lada bubuk 1/2 sendok makan Gula pasir 1/2 sendok makan Sawi hijau 150 gram Kol 150 gram Daun bawang 3 batang Saus tiram 2 sendok makan Kecap manis 4 sendok makan Kecap asin 2 sendok makan Saus sambal extra pedas 2 sendok makan Minyak goreng 10 sendok makan Air 100 cc Bawang goreng secukupnya  In this video, I share tricks and tips on how to make special fried tek tek noodles in the style of the brothers [Indoculinaire Hunter] which is really delicious and has a valid taste. How to make this special fried tek tek noodle is very easy and the ingredients are easily available in the market. The tricks and tips for making special fried tek tek noodles can be followed step by step in this video. Mie tek tek is very famous in Indonesia because Indonesian people like to consume noodles, especially fried noodles. Mie tek tek is mostly sold with street food carts or mobile carts and the prices are relatively affordable. Good luck trying this special fried tek tek fried noodle recipe, like, share, comment, and subscribe to help the development of this channel. Thank you, good health always...  MATERIALS : Atomic moon stamp noodles 400 grams (before boiling) Meatballs 7 grains Sausage 7 pieces 3 eggs chicken Shallots 150 grams (18 small red onion cloves) Garlic 5 cloves Pecan 6 grains 12.5 grams of shrimp paste (substitute for ebi) 10 pieces of red chili Pepper/pepper powder 1/2 tablespoon Sugar 1/2 tablespoon Green mustard 150 grams Cabbage 150 grams Leeks 3 sticks Oyster sauce 2 tablespoons Sweet soy sauce 4 tablespoons Soy sauce 2 tablespoons 2 tablespoons extra spicy chili sauce Cooking oil 10 tablespoons Water 100 cc Fried onions' 

Tags: indoculinaire hunter , mie goreng jawa , mie tek tek , resep mie tek tek kuah , resep mie tek tek goreng spesial , mie tek tek ala abang abang , cara membuat mie tek tek ala abang abang ter enak , mie goreng tek tek ala abng abang , mie goreng abang abang pinggir jalan , resep indomie mie tek tek , mie tek tek rumahan , mie rebus ala abang abang

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