'Giant food! 8kg Fried Chicken Bowl, Ramen and Fried Rice - ラーメン 炒飯 唐揚げ丼 Japanese Street Food 二代目蝦夷'

'Giant food! 8kg Fried Chicken Bowl, Ramen and Fried Rice - ラーメン 炒飯  唐揚げ丼 Japanese Street Food 二代目蝦夷'
17:11 Apr 11, 2024
'Fried chicken grilled meat bowl  NidaimeEzo in Saitama, Japan. The huge portions are very famous, and each dish weighs a whopping 8 kilograms!? Anyway seeing is believing!! Enjoy watching the video!! ※This video was shot with the permission of the shop owner and customers.  - Price - Ramen : JPY750 (USD5.35 ) Fried chicken grilled meat bowl : JPY4550 (USD32.42)   - Map - https://goo.gl/maps/SXRNuGWYxX79ZUi28 (Saitama,Japan)  二代目蝦夷  埼玉県にある二代目蝦夷。 デカ盛りが凄く有名で、一皿なんと8キロ!? とにかく百聞は一見にしかず!! 是非動画を楽しんで見て下さい!!   - 値段  - 蝦夷ラーメン : 750円 唐揚げ焼き肉丼 : 4550円  - 位置 - https://goo.gl/maps/SXRNuGWYxX79ZUi28 〒350-0811 埼玉県川越市小堤15−152  - About us -  Our aim is to produce videos of “food entertainment” that can entertain people all over the world. Your support gives us motivation to create more videos, so if you like our videos, please subscribe to our channel, like, share and comment! 

Tags: streetfood , yt cc=on , ラーメン , FriedRice , 炒飯 , 町中華 , friedchicken , MOGUMOGU , モグモグ , JapaneseStreetfood , デカ盛り , 볶음밥 , 唐揚げ

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