'GIANT 1KG Bento for a tiny PRICE! Fried Food Paradise Runs 24hrs a DAY!'

'GIANT 1KG Bento for a tiny PRICE! Fried Food Paradise Runs 24hrs a DAY!'
13:43 Apr 13, 2024
'This restaurant runs 24hrs a day making giant 1kg bentos for a tiny price! You can even watch their livestream and see them making all these different fried foods at all hours of the day! This Tokyo restaurant is very popular! Please enjoy a sneak peek of their daily operations.  Kitchen DIVE  

Tags: asmr , yt cc=on , japanese food , japanese food tour , bento , bento box , お弁当 , dive , 唐揚げ , ekiben , 食堂 , japanese food asmr , Japanese bento , how to make bento box , japan bento box , japanese food craftsman , 1 kg , japanese bento box , how to make bento box lunch , japan travel 2022 , 技彩 , japanese bento shop , japanese bento box shop , japanese bento menu , japan bento shop , bento box in japan , オリジン弁当 , ボリューム満点 , hardworker , お弁当 おかず , お弁当 ダイエット , 弁当 作り方 , キッチンダイブ , キッチンdive , ダイブ , 亀戸 , デカ盛り弁当 , 弁当屋 , 200円弁当 , コスパ最強

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