May 6, 2024
'#Japan #JapaneseFood #Shorts I love Street Food! Japanese street food is high quality and it\'s fun to find it. And the price is always good!!!! Hi, My name is Ryu. I\'m a part-timer in Japan. I live in Kawasaki, right next to Tokyo. I am doing a challenge saving $10,000 in a year. I\'m vlogging my days in Japan because I want people outside of Japan to know about Japan correctly. When I visited US, people say prices and wage in Japan are high. But, Noooooo! Comparing ones in the US and Australia(countries I\'ve been to), prices and wage in Japan are way lower! So, I wanna show you guys reality while doing this challenge! ★Challenge Rule ①Goal is saving $10,000 by 30th Nov, 2022. ②$1 is caliculated as ¥110 ③Last month\'s income - This month\'s expenditure = This month\'s saving ④Extra Income(ex: sales on freemarcket app) is added to ③ ⑤At the beginning of the month, expenditures below is subtracted from lost month\'s income. ・Rent : $400 ・Stuent Loan : $162.19 ・Mobile wifi : $32.52 ・Akihiro Nishino Fan Club : $8.91 ⑤Punishent is riding bycycle from one side of Japan to the other. ★Why I study VR programming What I want to do through my life is to help people broaden thier horizons. I believe visiting a foreign country is one of ways to do that. That\'s why I started learning VR because you can feel as if you were in a foreign country with VR technology. If you were poor like me and couldn\'t travel abroad, you could travel and expand your viewpoint with VR!'
Tags: Food , japan , japanese food , japanese street food
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