'UVPCGG DROUGHT 2018 Orem city NCRS mtg Solutions and Examples Our School Teaches presentation'

'UVPCGG DROUGHT 2018 Orem city NCRS mtg Solutions and Examples Our School Teaches  presentation'
09:09 May 15, 2024
'COME LEARN HOW TO GROW FOOD SUSTAINABLY THE WAY NATURE DOES Courses, videos, pictures, more info at http://www.permaculturedesignschool.org and Daily updates, education, research and stories of fellow Permaculture Ecosystem Restoration experts on our Facebook Group Utah Valley Permaculture Classroom Gardens & Greenhouse.  Online Livestreaming live courses in Design available.  See description on our site.  2020 Food Revolution Summit was amazing. Thank you John and Ocean Robbins for these great tips on staying healthy on a Plant-based diet.   Please enjoy the research of science, news relating to our HOme Earth, and so many examples of successful Ecosystem Restoration around the world and back to Utah that are restoring our degraded planet, restoring healthy living soil supporting healthy nutrient-dense food for all, restoring our Hydrology Cycle, protecting life on Earth.  Hope you will watch our review of these on our Announcements Pt 1, 2 and 3 videos and the updated Comments Links under them.  Also a few great educational interviews of some famous people.  We are looking for more like-minded people to join our community of volunteers interested in Saving our Home while learning about Nature, our LIfe Support System.  Please share your journey, questions and examples.   COME LEARN HOW TO GROW FOOD SUSTAINABLY THE WAY NATURE DOES Courses, videos, pictures, more info at http://www.permaculturedesignschool.org and Daily updates, education, research and stories of fellow Permaculture Ecosystem Restoration experts on our Facebook Group Utah Valley Permaculture Classroom Gardens & Greenhouse.  Online Livestreaming live courses in Design available UVPCGG DROUGHT 2018 Orem city NCRS mtg Solutions and Examples Our School  www.permaculturedesignschool.org Teaches  presentation.  75% of Utah in Severe, Extreme & Exceptional Drought, years of Drought, will take years to get out of Reservoirs in Utah at 0 to 15%, SLC, ST. George taking measures and incentives for curb cuts, Native Drought Resistant Plants vs Turf, Tucson AZ examplese since 1996 of only Rain irrigation all over city, and our School Demo Garden examples.   We hope we are not too late as farmers in 1/2 state have ran out of water or had secondary irrigation shut off beg. of Sept., as DNR director told me, \"farmers are selling their farms, baby deer are dyin gof thirst, and reservoirs are dry.\"  This is a serious situation that could go on years, and Utah needs to start installing successful Stormwater catching basins, Rainwater Harvesting and Gray water use methods like other Western States have done for years so Utah doesn\'t waste dwindling drinking water. we are happy to give a tour of these systems in place and tested at our School Demo Garden in Orem, Utah. Call for tour 801-808-4424   COME LEARN HOW TO GROW FOOD SUSTAINABLY THE WAY NATURE DOES Courses, videos, pictures, more info at http://www.permaculturedesignschool.org for 6 mos PDC Courses, Workshops, Free Educational videos on BLOG and our FB page Utah Valley Permaculture Classroom Gardens & Greenhouse Journey through and explore a cool and edibleclimate. come and watch the many different kinds of birds, dozens of bees in all sizes and colors, and even Monarch , Swallowtail an dother butterflies. Learn how to identify edible, herbal and beneficial plants all in one day! Experience how fun it can bew to learn how Nature takes care of many living things. It helps control the rain cycles, grow healthy plants and takes care of all our planet, including us. IN the desert foothills of Orem, Utah is the last place you would expect to find 59 deilicious fruit and nut trees, 32 varieties of nutritious anit-oxidant Nature Utah Berriy bushes, 100s of herb, root , tropical,and eidble food ofrest plants in a self sustainable deomstration Food Forest. Families from Richfield to Ogden, Logan to Vernal, AZ, CA, CO, NV, MD, ID, WY, OR , Australia, New Zeal.and, and France have come to tour this classroom Garden of Eden for 4 years. Over 70 families have taken the 6 month Permaculture Design Course. In addition, at the www.permaculturedesignschool.org, \'s annual PERMA BLITZES, one family or school has their Food Forests put in by students and teachres. 16 Food Forests have now been established after they were designed. The designs were created by students themselves at www.permaculturedesignschool.org Thank you John Kohler of Grow Your Greens Show for filming our Food Forest Demo Garden this year. Please support our efforts to save all the world\'s problems with Solutions of Nature on our website with a small donation. Thank you #permaculture #foodforest #ecosystemrestoration #pdc #rainwaterharvesting #growyourgreens #compost #permaculturedesignschool #openhousefoodforest #foodforesttour' 

Tags: Food , Homestead , self sustainable , nature , gardening , Utah , permaculture , rainwater harvesting , regenerative agriculture , drought , Hugelkultur , gray water , utah valley , sustainably , reservoirs , Curb cuts , infliltration basins , stormwater catching , drought solutions , 75 % Exceptional drought , 7 year drought in Utah

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