'Fast Food Powerpoint Template - Light Mode [Free Download] #46'

'Fast Food Powerpoint Template - Light Mode [Free Download] #46'
04:51 Jun 16, 2024
'a Powerpoint template that Contain an infographic about Fast Food / Junk Food, Restaurant, etc., all the chart is editable just use a powerpoint.  FEATURE: ◼ 27 Various Slide of Fast Food Infographic ◼ Available on Files .PPTX & .PPT ◼ Animated ◼ Editable and easy to use ◼ Documentation  DOWNLOAD FILE: https://semawur.com/2C1YWu  ADD LICENCE: https://semawur.com/fuPwH  DONATION: https://bit.ly/RemuriDonation  MUSIC BACKROUND: https://www.youtube.com/c/NoCopyrightSounds  FOLLOW ME: ◼ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Remuri-109656718016219 ◼ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/remuri_id/saved/ ◼ Twitter: https://twitter.com/refi_remuri  #powerpoint #fastfood #foodinfographic' 

Tags: dog , hot , fries , drink , sandwich , cole , fanta , potato , coffee , starbucks , junk , fastfood , infographic , PowerPoint , ppt , coca , kfc , mcdonald , cola , makanan , Hotdog , soda , pepsi , gendut , cocacola , Sprite , junkfood , goreng , kcal , minuman , Carbon , Oversize , kalori , foood , Sampah , kentang , humberger , Gemuk , obesitas , franch , Kentanggoreng , saji , foodinfographic , chalory , carbondrink , cocacole , franchefries , franchfries , makanansampah , makanansiapsaji , siap , siapsaji , minumankorbon , minumamkarbonisasi , sodadrink , minumansoda , beratbadan , infografismakanan

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