'Latest food trends and the influence of K-food overseas'

'Latest food trends and the influence of K-food overseas'
09:45 Jul 4, 2024
'서울 미식주간을 맞아 한식의 세계화와 최신 푸드 트렌드에 대해 알아보자  Welcome to Dialogue This Week. In this corner we invite guests from in and out of Korea to talk about a wide variety of issues ranging from culture, sports, to the latest trends around the world.  The city of Seoul recently held the 2021 Seoul Gourmet Week, dubbed \"Taste of Seoul\" both online and offline to promote Seoul\'s unique food culture. The Seoul Tourism Organization hosted the festival in an effort to lift the spirits of citizens worn out from the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic.  This past week was also the first week of Seoul City\'s \"Living with COVID-19\" campaign. . And this means restrictions on restaurant operating hours have been lifted. As the world returns to normal... what is the new normal in the food world?  For an in-depth look into the latest food trends, we are joined by Ryan Phillips, culinary professor at Suwon Food and Tourism college who is also the Chef and Owner of Bear Foot Gardens Organic Farm and Event Facility via Skype. Ryan, it\'s great to have you on the show.   1. You\'re a culinary professor, a chef and a farmer. What has the last year and a half been like for you?  2. How are culinary academics in South Korea compared to other countries you\'ve experienced?  3. As we turn towards a post- or with- COVID-19 recovery period, the nature of culinary schools ultimately requires a return to in-person classes in the kitchen. But for restaurants... the pandemic has affected operation styles and hygiene habits... What COVID-prompted changes do you expect to become permanent?  4. Now let\'s talk food... When you first came to Korea a decade and a half ago, what was the food scene like in South Korea, and how has it changed over the years?  (make sure he answers both \"how the FOOD has changed\" and \"how PEOPLE\'S DEMANDS/TASTE FOR FOOD has changed\")  5. A native Texan, you had a traditional American BBQ restaurant... What would you say worked and didn\'t work in terms of goals you had set out for that chapter of your career?  6. Thanks to the hallyu effect, recognition of Korean food abroad doesn\'t stop at kimchi now. What dishes or food ingredients native to South Korea are adaptable to foreign cuisine?  7. Now, you also own and run Bear Foot Gardens... a 520-pyeong (1,719 square meters) farm in Hwaseong... first, what led you to venture out on this endeavor?  8. The people of South Korea are far more aware of different dietary and dining options today. How does \"organic\" and \"farm-to-table\" food preparation fit in with South Korean culture?   It certainly was a fruitful and satisfying discussion, but I\'m afraid we will have to wrap up at this point. Anyhow, thank you so much Ryan for your time, hope to speak to you again soon.  #Taste_of_Seoul #Korean_food #Seoul_Tourism_Organization    

Tags: Health , Food , trend , China , SPORTS , News , quarantine , vaccine , coronavirus , WORLD , culture , infection , COVID19 , Korean , prevention , politics , Pandemic , death , global , worldwide , south korea , seoul , ECONOMY , weather , arirang , 아리랑TV , 아리랑뉴스 , 뉴스 , 북한 , 대한민국 , policy , confirmed , epidemic , WHO , U.S. , Wuhan , 날씨 , 이슈 , issue , 미국 , north korea , measures , 스포츠 , 서울 , globalization , 한식 , koreanfood , 바이러스 , 우한 , 음식 , 문화 , 월드 , 중국 , 코로나19 , 세계보건기구 , 사망 , 신종코로나 , 전염병 , 질병 , 정치 , 정책 , 방역 , 감염 , 글로벌 , 정부 , ARIRANG NEWS , 경제 , arirang tv , hansik , 이벤트 , 미식 , 트렌드 , 페스티벌 , 백신 , 세계화 , TasteofSeoul

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