'In this video I show you everything I got in my imperfect foods box and talk about the differences between this and misfit market produce subscription so you can see what works best for you! If you didn\'t catch my most recent misfit box you can see that video here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=onGg7Xlk5dM Here is the coupon code I mentioned for $10 off your next order! : http://imprfct.us/v/misha_103 Here are some sustainable companies that I support and you can SAVE on: Referral link for $25 off your first bill when switching to alternative energy with Arcadia! : https://www.arcadia.com/chet8630 Package Free Shop for $10 off your order: https://packagefreeshop.com/a/refer-a-friend/redeem/misharlamphere/1050 Earth Hero use code: MISHA10 when you check out for 10% off your order! $10 your first order with THREDUP: http://www.thredup.com/r/OAO5BZ Get $10 off your first plan with this Dropps link: http://i.refs.cc/qF5Essga Thanks you so much for watching, please like and subscribe and I will see you in a future video! Connect with me! Instagram: plants_n_progress Email: plantsandprogress@gmail.com'
Tags: Imperfect Foods , imperfect produce , imperfect foods review , misfit market review , imperfect produce review , ugly produce , misha , ugly produce subscriptions , imperfect coupon code , misfit coupon code , produce subscription , misfit market or imperfect foods , misfit or imperfect , sustainable food box , sustainable food subscription , plants and progress , imperfects foods produce subscription review
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