'FILLET TURNER (After Baader 200 filleting machine, before trimming) | Uni-Food Technic A/S'

'FILLET TURNER (After Baader 200 filleting machine, before trimming) | Uni-Food Technic A/S'
00:48 May 4, 2021
'This type of fillet turner will turn the fillet after exiting the filleting machine and before entering the trimming machine. This is done in order to achieve a correct infeed position when entering the machine. When exiting the Baader 200 filleting machine the skin side is up and the fillet is with tail first. The fillet turner will flip the fillet so that the skin side is down and further processing can be done with head first.' 

Tags: Food , equipment , salmon , Hygiene , herring , food industry , squid , SHRIMP , mackerel , slicer , processing , trout , food processing equipment , unifood , uni-food technic , fish industry , smoked salmon slicer , sushi cut , gutting fish , fish slicer , fillet slicer , automatic machines for fish industry , fish processing machines , fillet turner , turn fish fillet , turning a fish fillet , fillet turning system , fillet turner conveyor

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