'Bright Line Living: Food Addiction & Losing 200 Pounds with Dr. Susan Peirce Thompson and Rob Rains'

01:02:22 Jun 2, 2021
'I am so excited about my conversation with Rob Rains! Rob lost 200 pounds with Bright Line Eating and has an amazing story you don’t want to miss.   Rob began the Bright Line Eating program in June 2018 at 368 pounds (his highest recorded weight was 384).  He joined a Bright Line Eating Boot Camp in December 2018. By October 2019, Rob reached his goal weight of 168 pounds. He has since deliberately increased a small amount and has successfully maintained for over 7 months.  Rob attributes his success to the science of the Bright Line Eating program, the amazing support of the BLE Boot Camp and its Facebook group, and the principles of identity change.  In his words, “Bright Line Eating was literally an answer to prayer. Thanks in large part to Dr. Susan Peirce Thompson, I am statistically likely to live about three decades longer than I would have otherwise, and those three decades will be much more enjoyable!”  Rob is the father of seven children and lives in Massachusetts, and can now fully show up for his kids. In the interview, Rob shares the unique way that he celebrated his weight loss with each of his children. His joy now, Rob says, doesn’t come from anything he puts into his body. It comes from the inside.  You don\'t want to miss this interview! Enjoy... XO' 

Tags: Weight loss , diet , Diet for men , weight loss for men , Bright Line Eating Men , Men of Bright Line Eating , Health and Wellness for men

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