'\"Rising from the Ashes\", Rebuild Mandala Living Foods!'

'\"Rising from the Ashes\", Rebuild Mandala Living Foods!'
17:38 Jun 10, 2021
'MANDALA LIVING FOODS HAS BEEN OPEN FOR THE LAST 8 MONTHS AND SERVED OVER 1,000 PROSPERITY BOWLS TO PEOPLE IN THE COMMUNITY HERE ON KAUAI... IT WAS A TWO YEAR JOURNEY TO DESIGN AND DEVELOP THE KTICHEN THAT WEATHERED THE FLOODS ON KAUAI THAT BECAME A NATIONAL EMERGENCY.  IT TESTED US AND OUR FAMILY TO THE DEEPEST LEVELS...MANDALA LIVING FOODS WAS INVITED TO BE A PART OF KEALIA FARMS, TO BRING A FRESH NEW ENERGY TO THE COMMUNITY WHILE SUPPORTING THE FARM AND THE PROSPERITY MOVEMENT...THE PROSPERITY MOVEMENT, FOCUSES ON BRINGING TRIBAL VALUES BACK TO OUR CULTURE. IN A TRIBE PROSPERITY IS SHARED. WE DID THIS WITH THE PROSPERITY MENU BASED AROUND \"THE PROSPERITY BOWL”.  MANDALA LIVING FOODS ALSO SUPPORTED LOCAL FARMERS WHILE TRANSFOMRING THER ORGANIC LOCAL INGREDIENTS LIKE POI INTO GOURMET DISHES AND DESSERTS... MANDALA LIVING FOODS FACILITATED A NEW LOCATION FOR SUNDAY ECSTATIC DANCE COMMUNITY WHICH IS NOW REBUILDING THE BARN FOR THE FARM INCLUDING A NEW STAGE FOR THE LOCAL CHURCH THAT HAS SERVICE AND BRUNCH EVERY SUNDAY IN THE BARN. WE WERE NOT IN A HEAVY FOOT TRAFFIC LOCATION, JUST OFF THE ROAD AT KEALIA BEACH, BUT THE FARM HAD FARMERS MARKET ON MONDAYS AND FRIDAYS. WE WORKED TO BUILD MORE TRAFFIC WITH EVENTS LIKE ECSTATIC DANCE SUNDAYS, WHICH WAS A SUCCESS. WE WERE ALSO FOCUSED ON LAUNCHING MANDALA LIVING FOODS IN LOS ANGELES AS WELL AS THE PROSPERITY MOVEMENT NATIONALLY STARTING IN CALIFORNIA WHERE HOMELESSNESS HAS BECOME AN EPIDEMIC. OUR COUNTRY NEEDS A PROSPERITY MOVEMENT MORE THAN EVER.  On May 1st, 2019 Mandala Living Foods was illegally evicted and forcibly removed with no sheriff or official present damaging our kitchen, surrounding bar, and stage / platform. Our mobile kitchen was then dragged, dropped in the mud with its stands, and left on the side of the road outside of Kealia Farms. We filed a police report for the forcible removal and eviction, but were told it was a civil matter and nothing could be done by the police as it was not criminal. The next day we arrived to a vandalized kitchen that had also been broken into. It didn’t appear they had stolen anything. We called the police and attempted to file a report. The officer told us to take pics and document it, and they would be arriving on the scene to take our statements. An hour and half later we were told they had been on another call, that the report was filed, to email the photos. We expressed that we felt like this wasn’t the end of this, they explained that we couldn’t move the kitchen to a new location till Friday May 3rd 2019. The police said that they could do a drive by that evening. Micah received a call around 8pm that our kitchen was on fire. It was expressed that the fire appeared to have been lit from the inside the kitchen. The fire department had to do an investigation in the morning to be ruled arson, and we were advised to come down in the morning and meet the FD & PD to proceed with the filing the report and investigation. Despite it being ruled as arson, and now was a crime scene so we couldn’t move our kitchen, and had to wait for police detectives to come perform an investigation which could take up to a week! Our basic insurance plan doesn’t cover fire / arson damages, so we are at a total loss for thousands in damage. We also couldn’t move the truck or remove anything as it was to be left in tact for an investigation. Except now there was a giant hole in the door leaving it open and exposed to being looted…Which it was, the two following nights it sat awaiting investigation by detectives. They stole our POS system, full mounted cash register, sound system for the kitchen, and one of our dehydrators. As of May 10th, there has still no investigation has been completed by the Kauai Police Department. We filed another police report and were able to move the kitchen to Anahola to clean and begin to rebuild…  WHAT’S NEXT FOR MANDALA LIVING FOODS?  We rise from the ashes, with a new commissary kitchen on Kauai giving us the ability to build out our brand, and a network of Mandala locations on all the Hawaiian islands. We publish our book, “The Sacred Geometry of Living Foods.”, as well as move forward with the launch of our first location on the West coast starting in LA. We will serve thousands more Prosperity Bowls over the months that follow launching the Prosperity Movement on a national platform starting in California. We have been wronged and are not going to stand idle. We have been preparing our legal case, but are at such a loss right now we are calling on our tribe to support us rebuilding and bringing to those who have destroyed what our family has given so much of our love, life, and time to creating to feed our family and the community.  WE\'RE CALLING ON OUR TRIBE TO HELP US REBUILD, SO WE CAN TRULY LAUNCH THE PROSPERITY MOVEMENT ON A STATE AND NATIONAL PLATFORM TO FEED, EDUCATE, AND HEAL OUR PEOPLE IN THIS COUNTRY.  PROSPERITY IS A CYCLE OF LOVE IN A TRIBE.    MAHALO FOR YOUR SUPPORT!' 

Tags: kauai , prosperity bowl , mandala living foods , mlf , micah skye , mandala foods

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