'Uni-Food Technic Filleting Machine FR 9000'

02:01 Jul 21, 2021
'The patented FR-9000 filleting machine is a state-of-the-art filleting unit that utilizes a high speed programmable logic controller to individually measure the length of each fish as it enters the machine.     Using this measurement, the FR-9000 can adjust its cutting parameters according to a pre-selected cut value, and  hereby obtain a maximum yield for each fish.     The FR-9000 utilizes three sets of circular blades to remove the backbone: Two above, and one below resulting in an extremely high yield product. After removal of the backbone, a set of reciprocating blades carefully removes the rib.  You hereby achieve high quality fillets with a smooth, and undamaged appearance.     The versatile FR-9000 features options for a complete rib  removal or for rib-in fillets by simply preselecting a cut  value on the user-friendly interface.     The FR-9000 is capable of processing a variety of species within the range of 2 - 10 kg. including salmon, snapper & grouper up to a maximum height of ten inches.     The FR-9000 features a microprocessor that controls and measure every fish for extra high yields.     The computer also has the advantage of being easy to  program so the machines cuts C-trimmed fillets or a fully trim with belly fat off.' 

Tags: uni , unifood , uni-food technic , uni-food , filleting machine

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