'STEAK CHAPAGURI (Ram-Don) recipe from the movie \"Parasite\"'

'STEAK CHAPAGURI (Ram-Don) recipe from the movie \"Parasite\"'
02:30 Aug 4, 2021
'This instant noodle dish, jjapaguri (or ram-don), gained international fame from the movie Parasite. In the film, the way how they make this \'Ram-Don\' reflect the social division between the rich and poor.  Ingredients 1 package of Neoguri, Korean seafood instant ramen noodles. 1 package of Chapagetti, Korean jjajang instant ramen noodles. Beef steak- in this video I\'m using ribeye. oil / butter / salt / pepper . Please enjoy your Parasite Noodle:)  #ramdon #chapaguri #parasite  #cookie #cookieiscooking' 

Tags: Cooking , parasite , koreanfood , RAMDON , Chapaguri , steakchapaguri , koreannoodle , cookieiscooking , parasitefilm

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