'Italy Street Food. Huge Blocks of Meat, Giant Sausages Cooked and Cut'

'Italy Street Food. Huge Blocks of Meat, Giant Sausages Cooked and Cut'
10:44 Nov 6, 2021
'https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCdNO3SSyxVGqW-xKmIVv9pQ/join  www.settime2588.com www.facebook.com/settime2588 instragram: settime2588 www.twitter.com/settime2588  Street Food Festival : Sagra delle Sagre, Asti, Italy  Bollito Misto is a classic northern Italian stew, consisting of various tougher cuts of beef and veal, cotechino, and a whole hen or capon that are gently simmered for 2–3 hours in an aromatic vegetable broth. Bollito and its many regional variations is eaten throughout northern Italy, and is particularly popular in Emilia-Romagna, Piedmont, and Lombardy. The meat is sliced ​​thinly and served with coarse sea salt, mustard, green sauce, horseradish, or chutney. The resulting broth is skimmed, strained, and used as a base for soups and risottos  The bollito misto is a second dish based on various boiled cuts of meat, especially popular in the Po area: the Piedmontese mixed boiled meats are particularly well known. The meat, served hot or cold, is generally accompanied by boiled vegetables, usually carrots, onions, celery and potatoes, sauces and mustard. Traditionally the most used cuts of beef are: candy, tail, muscle, tongue, head. To these are added other bovine cuts including the shoulder, the brut and bon (ugly and good), the tenon, the bow and the priest\'s hat In addition to beef, capon is often present, alternatively hen or free-range chicken. Sometimes pig is also added, in the form of zampone or cotechino, which must be cooked separately, as well as the tongue.  Bollito Misto is a classic northern Italian stew, consisting of various tougher cuts of beef and veal, cotechino, and a whole hen or capon that are gently simmered for 2–3 hours in an aromatic vegetable broth. Bollito and its many regional variations is eaten throughout northern Italy, and is particularly popular in Emilia-Romagna, Piedmont, and Lombardy. The meat is sliced thinly and served with coarse sea salt, mostarda, salsa verde, horseradish, or chutney. The resulting broth is skimmed, strained, and used as a base for soups and risottos  Il bollito misto è un secondo piatto a base di vari tagli di carne bolliti diffuso specialmente in area padana: particolarmente conosciuto è il gran bollito misto piemontese. La carne, servita calda o fredda, è generalmente accompagnata da verdure bollite, solitamente carote, cipolle, sedano e patate, salse e mostarda. I tagli tradizionalmente più utilizzati del manzo sono : scaramella, coda, muscolo, lingua, testina. Ad essi vengono aggiunti altri tagli bovini tra i quali la spalla, il brut e bon (brutto e buono), il tenerone, il fiocco e il cappello del prete Spesso oltre alla carne di manzo è presente anche quella di cappone, in alternativa la gallina o il pollo ruspante. Talora viene aggiunto anche del maiale, sotto forma di zampone o cotechino, che devono essere cotti a parte ,così come la lingua.   Thanks for cooperation to :  Proloco Moncalvo info at :  [email protected] fb :  prolocomoncalvo   #italystreetfood #streetfood #italyfood #streetfoodfestival #italy #italia #boiledmeet #bollito #bollitomisto #italianmeat #foodfestival #foodfair #piemonte #piedmont' 
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