02:00 Feb 22, 2021
'Women aren\'t the only ones who suffer from negative body image. Men also stress about their penis size and girth. Not all men are blessed with a naturally large penis. Lifestyle changes can affect the size and the girth of the penis. So if you are obsessing about the size of your penis, follow these 10 commandments to increase the size of your penis naturally.  10 Commandments to Increase Penis SizeQuit smoking:  Minute particles from the cigarette tend to block the arteries; it is also one of the reasons why smoking is linked to heart diseases. Poor supply of blood to the organs results in poor functioning of that organ, the same applies to the penis.   10 Commandments to Increase Penis Size  Exercise regularly:  Building muscles and weight loss are not the only reasons to head to the gym. If you want a healthy, long penis, exercise regularly to clear the arteries and increase blood flow to the penis.  Avoid high calorie diet:  Consuming food rich in fats and calories coupled with a sedentary lifestyle can lead to heart diseases and a smaller size penis. Lack of exercise or physical activity increases cholesterol in the arteries, thereby reducing the flow of blood to the penis. So give up eating junk food for a thick, healthy penis.  Vegetables and fruits:  Consume vegetables and fruits rich in antioxidants. This compound helps fight free radicals in the arteries and also strengthens the arteries. So, improve penis growth by consuming antioxidant rich foods.  Lose belly fat:  A large belly reduces the appearance of the penis. Even if you have a large penis, it may appear smaller if you have a large belly.  Reduce stress:  Anxiety and stress reduces the size of the penis, as negative emotions draw blood away from the penis, making it difficult to enlarge the penis. Performance anxiety is also a reason for a smaller size penis.  Meditate:  Relax, meditate or practice yoga for a better sex life. Relaxation helps improve blood circulation in the body, thereby stimulating penis growth.  Warm up:  Cold temperature shrinks the size of the penis, so take a warm shower and keep your body warm to increase the blood flow to the body and the penis.' 

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