May 22, 2022
'Name : Sandra Anggraini Putri NIM : 19019023 Class : NK1-19 Final Exam Public Speaking Transcript : Do you know that junk food can lead to some serious illnesses such as heart attack and lack of energy? As we know that junk food is a very important meal in America, and a quarter of the American suffer from it sickness effect and some of them even die? Junk food is our topic today. We like junk food mainly is because it is convenient and easily available. On top of that is tasty too. In addition, there is a certain pleasure when waiting in line to buy junk food and the situation when traveling to buy junk food. Many of us know that junk food is not good but we don\'t know how bad it is. Today I would like to persuade my audience to stop eating junk food. I will show what is in junk food, what can it do to our body, and how we can prevent it. So, we have three bad things that will happen when eating junk food. First, junk food is bad because it contains chemical flavor. This means that junk food is very poor in nutrition. Besides that, the prepared part is definitely added with preservatives to make it last and preservative is very harmful to our health. Next, Pre-prepared junk food has lost its original taste and needed to be added with flavor to enhance its taste. A lot of junk food is heavy on fat, salt and sugar, and reduced nutrient. Second, junk food needs to be a fast cook and lots of oil are needed. Because that, Fat and calories are difficult to digest in our body and undigested fat and calories will be accumulated in our body to cause too much oil in our body. This condition can potentially lead to a range of health problems such as heart disease, diabetes, and even premature death. Third, Fat and calories are difficult to digest in our body and undigested will be accumulated in our body to cause too much oil in our body, like diabetes and obesity. Obesity is the main cause of many health problems. It can affect our muscles, blood circulation, lungs, and kidneys. Once our blood circulation is being affected, many other health problems will happen. For example, heart problem and lack of energy. In conclusion, our lives today cannot live without junk food. They are too easily available and they are tasty and fast delivered. But too much junk food is definitely not good for our health. So, we need to control our consumption of junk food to balance our nutrition by eating more nutritional and natural food. For example, milk, chess, salad, and many more. With that, we can live a comfortable, longer and healthier life. And there you have it. Therefore, for the better of our health and life, I strongly suggest my audience stop eating fast food and eat more natural food to balance our nutrition and protect our health and future. Finally, our life will feel more comfortable and calm without getting sick.'See also: