'Ayurvedic food types and their characteristics'

05:28 May 25, 2022
'In this video, Dr. Neelesh Korde advises that before choosing a diet, we must understand how the foods we eat will affect our body. He explains that while the today\'s world classifies food as proteins, carbohydrates, fats, minerals and vitamins, Ayurveda\'s understanding of food is quite different. It is based on the qualities of the food that are passed on to the person consuming that particular food. Take for instance, meats. While most people today group meats as white meats that are healthy and red meats that are unhealthy, Ayurveda regards meat as the animal source from where it originates. Different meats impart different qualities to the human body. Pork, beef, veal, lamb, venison.... all impart that particular animal\'s characteristics and traits to the consumer and we literally become what we eat. Dr. Korde illustrates with examples of the pig, goat, and chicken.   Ayurveda classifies meats according to its qualities and what is best for the body and body type. Generalisations such as white meats being good for you and red meats being bad for you are not made by Ayurveda.     Similarly, vegetables have a definite structure. Potatoes and other dense foods grow underground while green leafy vegetables grow above it, and then there are vegetables such as capsicums and bell peppers with a central empty cavity... all have different qualities which are imbibed by the body.' 

Tags: Mercola , Ayurveda Home Remedies , Andreas Moritz , andreas moritz diet , ayurveda diet tips , dangers of eating chicken , red meat vs white meat , busting the red meat myth , benefits of eating red meat , vegan vs non vegan , busting the vegan myth , the benefits of eating meat

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