'Easy Home Cooked Dog Food Recipe (Cheap and Simple)'

'Easy Home Cooked Dog Food Recipe (Cheap and Simple)'
02:55 Mar 2, 2021
'Making homemade dog food isn\'t the most convenient way to feed your pup. It may be easier to stop into your local pet store and pick up a bag of kibble, but homemade dog food is much healthier for your pooch. This easy home cooked dog food recipe will not provide balanced nutrition for all dogs, but it is a good starting point for beginners.   Full recipe: https://topdogtips.com/easy-home-cooked-dog-food-recipe/  This easy home cooked dog food recipe uses chicken and turkey as the protein sources. The best part of making homemade dog food is that you can substitute ingredients if you\'d like. If your dog is allergic to chicken or just prefers a different meat, feel free to use something else instead.  \"If you work outside the home, this recipe is a great alternative to meals that you have to fix daily. You can put the ingredients in the slow cooker before you leave for work, and by the time you get home Fido\'s food will be ready. Plus, you can make the food in bulk so you only have to cook once a week or so.\"' 

Tags: Easy Home Cooked Dog Food Recipe

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