'COM264 Online Album: Food, Glorious Food'

'COM264 Online Album: Food, Glorious Food'
15:18 Aug 15, 2022
'Prepared by: IYLIA JASMINE BINTI MOHD RASHIDI // 2019245894 MUHAMMAD HAIKAL BIN YUNUS // 2019280458 SARAH BINTI ABDUL AZIZ // 2019806028  First and foremost, we would like to acknowledge our appreciation to our lecturer Sir Ahmad Syakir Salman Bin Salleh @ Abdul Latif for not only allowing us the opportunity to showcase the knowledge and skills that we have garnered through his teachings but also the continuous guidance and support that we have received throughout our time together for this group project, the E-Portfolio. We are very thankful for everything he has done to help us and we appreciate It very much.    The theme for our E-Portfolio is “Food, Glorious Food” and it is in the form of an online album. This project that we conducted went well and hopefully, we were successful in broadcasting our creativity along with the application of the tips, tricks, and techniques that we have learned through this subject which is the introduction of photo communication.    For the presentation aspect, we chose YouTube as the platform that was used to present this online album. In the video, we explained a little as to why we chose this theme, the individual photos, the settings within the photo along with what editing was used for the photo.' 
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