09:11 Mar 20, 2021
'FREE EBOOKLET http://www.sweetnaturalliving.com We all have the freedom to choose what serves us best at any given time. Everything in our experience has come into our reality as a result of our choices, be it conscious or unconscious.   If you are experiencing something you don\'t want, you can CHANGE IT! We change our reality by choosing a different direction! Right here and now, you have the power to choose!   This applies to all aspects of life. We attract whatever we focus on. The statement \"where attention goes, energy flows\" is so accurate! We create the life we want, always. The problem is that we more often than not focus a lot on what we DON\'T want, and we enter into a so called \"victim mentality\" where everything is happening \"to us\" rather than \"from us\". The law of attraction is always working. First we must TAKE RESPONSIBILITY of our life, then make the choices we prefer and surf on.  The beautiful thing about life is this: If we don\'t enjoy our current experience, we can CHANGE IT! We do this by making different choices! We don\'t even have to fight against what we don\'t want, we can simply focus on what it is we do want and that is what we will create.   Food and lifestyle is some of the most powerful changes we can do to turn our lives around from disease and depression to health and happiness! By CHOOSING LIVING FOOD instead of dead foods, we build our body with the best available raw materials, we fill it with sunshine, and run it off the highest quality fuel.   A diet rich in fruits and vegetables, RAW LIVING FOODS that are bursting with nutrition, energy, vitality and life we can turn our experience into one of abundance, joy and beauty. Humans are frugivores, and our natural diet is one of fresh fruits and tender vegetables. Looking at our anatomy, physiology and biochemistry it\'s easy to see that fruits are the optimal foods for humans.   Remember, almost all animals in nature are ideally suited for a diet of living foods. Fresh foods. Whole foods. We humans are the only ones to cook our food before we eat it. Maybe, leaving the food as \"nature intended\" would benefit our health? Could it be that by eating cooked and denatured food, not only are we destroying the quality of the food, but we end up eating lot\'s of foods that we are not equipped to eat in the first place? This eating of the \"wrong\" foods, leads us into a host of problems, not the least of which are diabetes, heart disease, cancer and autoimmune diseases.  Thankfully, there\'s NO RIGHT OR WRONG, just choices and consequences. Therefore, it\'s not about whether or not you are eating cooked food or raw food, but rather ARE YOU LOVING THE EXPERIENCE YOU ARE HAVING NOW? If not, make a change.   Including more live foods in your life might just make a positive change in your life, allow the body to heal itself and keep moving in a positive direction!   Be sure to subscribe to get more videos about health, raw foods and a happy lifestyle!   Remember to SUBSCRIBE to stay up to date with all the latest videos!   *BUY OUR EBOOK ABOUT FRUIT FOCUSED TRAVEL & ULTRALIGHT BACKPACKING IN THE TROPICS: http://www.sweetnaturalliving.com/travel-ebook/  *SIGN UP FOR PERSONAL HEALTH AND LIFE COACHING ONLINE: http://www.sweetnaturalliving.com/coaching  *LIKE US ON FACEBOOK TO STAY CONNECTED:  http://www.facebook.com/sweetnaturalliving' 

Tags: Lifestyle , Health , health coach , Food , fruit , Raw , vegan , Natural , freedom , Michael , coaching , law of attraction , raw vegan , raw food , natural health , create , responsibility , choices , hclf , 811 , raw till 4 , fruitarian , living food , 80/10/10 , 811rv , lfrv , frugivore , raw food coach , consultations , natural hygiene , mikkel , mads , Fruity , hcrv , choose life , freedom to choose , you are the creator , the power to choose , victim mentality , victimisation

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