'Cara membuat mie goreng spesial Atoom Bulan yang enaknya gokil banget, ala ICH'

'Cara membuat mie goreng spesial Atoom Bulan yang enaknya gokil  banget, ala ICH'
17:16 Jan 20, 2024
'#miegorengspesial #resepmiegorengjawa #indoculinairehunter Dalam video ini saya membagikan cara membuat mie goreng spesial Atoom Bulan yang enaknya gokil banget ala ICH. Resep mie goreng Atoom Bulan sangat mudah dan bahan-bahan nya mudah didapat di pasaran. Mie goreng sangat populer di masyarakat Indonesia karena rasanya enak dan murah meriah. Mie goreng banyak dijual di pinggir jalan, seperti mie goreng abang-abang. Mie goreng banyak jenisnya seperti mie goreng jawa, bakmie goreng ala Chinese, mie goreng ala restoran, bakmie goreng kaki lima, mie goreng ala abang-abang pinggir jalan, mie tek-tek khas abang-abang, bihun goreng, dan lain-lain.  Mie goreng rasanya enak, gurih, pedas dan wangi. Silahkan dicoba resepnya, like, share, komen dan subscribe untuk mendukung channel ini terus berkembang dalam membagikan resep-resep yang InsyaAlloh bermanfaat untuk kita semuanya, salam sehat selalu..  BAHAN-BAHAN : Mie Cap Atoom Bulan 400 gram Bawang merah besar 4 siung Bawang putih 5 siung Merica / lada bubuk 1 sendok makan Kecap manis 5 sendok makan Garam sesuai selera Minyak goreng secukupnya Baso 7 buah Udang 300 gram Toge 100 gram Telur ayam 3 butir Sosis 125 gram Bawang daun 3 batang Cabe rawit merah 10 buah Gula pasir 1 sendok teh Ketimun secukupnya Bawang goreng secukupnya (optional) Kerupuk secukupnya (optional) Air secukupnya untuk merebus mie  In this video, I share how to make special Atomic Bulan fried noodles, which are really delicious, like ICH. The Atomic Bulan fried noodle recipe is very easy and the ingredients are easily available in the market. Mie goreng is very popular in Indonesian society because it tastes good and is cheap. Fried noodles are widely sold on the roadside, such as the fried noodles of the brothers. There are many types of fried noodles, such as Javanese fried noodles, Chinese-style fried noodles, restaurant-style fried noodles, street fried noodles, roadside fried noodles, typical tek-tek noodles, fried vermicelli, and others. Mie goreng tastes good, savory, spicy and fragrant. Please try the recipe, like, share, comment and subscribe to support this channel that continues to grow in sharing recipes that God willing, will be useful for all of us, healthy greetings always..  MATERIALS & INGREDIENTS : Noodle Cap Atoom Bulan 400 grams Big red onion 4 cloves Garlic 5 cloves Pepper / pepper powder 1 tablespoon Sweet soy sauce 5 tablespoons Salt to taste Right amount of oil Baso 7 pieces Shrimp 300 grams Toge 100 grams 3 eggs chicken Sausage 125 grams Garlic 3 stalks 10 pieces of red chili Sugar 1 teaspoon Cucumber as needed Fried onions (optional) Crackers to taste (optional) Enough water to boil noodles' 

Tags: mie rebus , kwetiau , bihun goreng , indomie goreng , indoculinaire hunter , mie goreng spesial , resep bakmie goreng , mie goreng jawa , cara membuat mie goreng spesial atoom bulan , resep mie goreng ala restoran chinese , mie goreng abang-abang pinggir jalan , kwe , resep bakmie goreng ala chinese resto , bakmie gm , mie bangka

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