'Steak with special sauce and homemade wedges #tasty #tastyfood #gordonramsay #youtuber #wideload'

'Steak with special sauce and homemade wedges #tasty #tastyfood #gordonramsay #youtuber #wideload'
00:55 Feb 6, 2024
'Hey guys, thanks for looking in here. First up, apologies for the random captioning of Beverly Hills by Weezer, its an automatic thing and I thought it was a bit funny and was also too lazy to change it. Also check out my wither streams if you have a year to spare.  Now that\'s out of the way here\'s the recipe: Ingredients: Wedges: 3 Potatoes Vegetable oil Paprika Garlic Granules Salt  Steak and sauce: Two steaks, cut of your choice 1 Onion 1 Garlic clove Soy sauce Worcester sauce Tomato puree 125 ml double cream Pepper  Method Basically just follow the video' 

Tags: gaming , streaming , golf , WARZONE , thewitcher , moneyneversleeps , wideload

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