'Food Processing Equipment Videos'

'Food Processing Equipment Videos'
04:12 Apr 10, 2022
'What if I told you that some of the weirdest, funniest, and most satisfying videos on YouTube were made exclusively for the eyes of food-processing factory engineers? Companies like Volm and NovaTec make these videos to show off their mechanical carrot-sorters and potato-washers to potential buyers in the industry. But I watch them recreationally. And so should everybody.   I started watching ironically, but the casual viewing has since become earnest, and now I can’t separate my irony from sincere captivation. As the communications manager for one of these companies put it, upon my asking him about the artistic considerations behind the videos: “I assure you they’re are all business … this is a really weird obsession you have.”  And yes, I suppose it is weird. But this far-flung corner of YouTube really is an amazing place. Watch the video above as I take you down the wonderfully strange rabbit hole. You won’t regret it.' 

Tags: vegetables , Food , funny , fruit , slate , random , food processing , machinery , Slate.com , Slate Magazine

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